Social Media is exactly that. Social.
We often talk about the negative impact that can occur by falsifying engagement through automation apps and “Insta-Bots”. We rant about the completely random generic comments we receive on our content which have absolutely no relevance to the post itself. We share our over-sized opinion on the emails that come through from automation companies that promise Instagram Fame by increasing our followers by some astronomical amount.
“Join us today and increase your audience by 72342958415485 in just 3 days” Oh Em Gee YASSS.
The truth of the matter is there is no magic potion and no quick fix. There is no substitute for building a community around your brand. It is something that can’t be bought. You simply cannot fake genuine engagement, you cannot auto pilot your way to a healthy collaborative relationship and you cannot efficiently deliver your message.
We cannot express enough, the importance of authenticity, genuine conversation and community cultivation when using social media for business. It is crucial to market your product and brand but it is just as essential to invest time in spreading your message through meaningful ways across all of your digital platforms.

Focus on growth and cultivating a community around your brand. Rather than jamming product down the throats of your audience, invest time inviting response by telling your story. After all, how else are you going to learn about your audience if you aren’t spending the time engaging with them?
We now live in the world of smart phones and Facebook. Face to face communication is diminishing and as problematic as this is, we are making it worse. Are we getting THAT lazy that we are now enlisting the help of automation apps to “talk” on our behalf? Come on people. Relationships in business are important and a relationship cannot be built on a series of regulated comments that say
As a part of your digital marketing strategy, you should be allocating a certain amount of time each day to reach out. Whether it is to an influencer you have had your eye on to promote your business, a like-minded boss lady who is doing wonderful things in business, potential customers or someone you admire. Become Cyber Besties and reach out. It takes only minutes to connect with someone. Introduce yourself, congratulate them on their achievements or commiserate with them if you find that you’re both struggling in the same area. You are opening yourself up to the possibility of collaborations, new business, new followers even a new bestie.
Don’t forget to be social on social media.